Like that lor.

23 August 2009

School has been, well, like that lor. First 2 weeks breezed by, with lectures only. I think we are about to experience the real uni life soon. When exams and tons of work start kicking in.

Random note 1:

I had to send my iPhone for repairs when it is barely a week old. =(
And I had to spend $6.50 on a burger for my lunch. And they deleted all of my applications. =(
But the iPhone just rocks la.

Random note 2:

Watched UP with church members today.

It was pretty good, save for the fact that I was half straining my neck at times to see what was on the screen. Thankfully it was a relatively short show. It was cute, yet pretty lame at the same time. I mean the dogs were just weird.

Random note 3:

Fellowship over lunch and tea was good too, it was nice to hear their thoughts about worship music.

They just converted me into a Keith and Kristyn Getty fan. I cannot wait for Trumpet Praise to bring their CDs into Singapore.
I’ve added the link to their website, Getty music.

Moreover, over the past few months I have actually collected a number of worship songs on imeem, which is a legal way to listen to other music which we do not have the budget to purchase! Here is the link to my playlist, I hope the worship songs there will be an encouragement to you.

John’s Worship Songs Playlist

Random note 4:

Last night was the final meeting for CYF 09. Thanks everyone for all the effort put in this year. It is my sincere hope that we will each be able to serve Him zealously and faithfully where He has placed us. Too bad the first time we went out for supper, was the last time we could too. Oh well, I’ve learnt a lot this year.

And I just realised, one year ago, today was the day we had Combined YF!

Random note 5:

The reason why I’m blogging at this time, is because I cannot fall asleep.

Final random note for today:

The iPhone/iTouch has got to be the best means to watch youtube. You get a sizeable screen, without all the irritating adverts.

That’s why we all love Apple.

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